Top Ten Tuesday: Precioussssss

Before we delve into this post, just a quick reminder that my birthday + blogoversary + makeover giveaway is still running, so join the party now! And if you win, here are some books I'll heartily recommend you pick for the prize:

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, featuring a top ten list every Tuesday (obviously) centered around a book-related topic. If you’ve got a blog and did a list for this week, link in the comments so we can chat! If you haven't, feel free to discuss anyways!

This week's TTT topic:

Top Ten Books You Would Classify As ALL TIME FAVORITE BOOKS from the past 3 years

(How fitting that this post is my 100th post. FANGIRLING ALERT.)
a song of ice and fire
1. A Song of Ice and FireI think this series really changed both my reading and writing tastes. My writing veered off into a wildly speculative arena, while I started to looove reading epic fantasy. Or just fantasy. I also began to delve more into adult books. And ASOIAF has the most thrilling twists and exhilarating rides of, I daresay, everything I've ever read.
Alyssa Carlier's Top Ten Tuesday picks
2. The SilmarillionUnfortunately, The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings were out of the three-year range, but the Silmarillion is all levels of awesome. The prose just flows so powerfully, and I desperately want a Christopher Lee narration. I can't decide whether it's so awesome it needs a movie adaptation or it's too awesome for a Peter Jackson adaptation.

3. Nothing to Envy: North Korea has always intrigued me, and this book broke my heart. Honestly. I have on words for how much I admire the defectors as well as the survivors still in North Korea.

4. Gone Girl: I read this after aforementioned craving for adult books, and Gone Girl beautifully captured, the first time for me, a pair of unreliable narrators. Also, new craving for thrillers.

5. The Other Boleyn Girl: This one started my love for Tudor England, and I'm just flailing for more historical fiction, esp. involving women.

6. Julius Caesar: Not a book, but just, the fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars.

7. The Alchemist: This just took my breath away, because it's set in the Sahara desert and there's so much fantasy and gypsies and argh. A little heavy on philosophy, but it's a beautiful allegory.

8. World War Z: I can't. I honestly can't. This one is too awesome. The sheer humanity and epic scale of this one is amazing and I would have loved a mockumentary adaptation.

book thief night circus
9. The Night Circus: Just argh magic and plots and more magic and beautiful prose. I honestly cannot handle this much awesomeness in my life.

10. The Book Thief: Death narrates. 'Nuff said. (And it's snarky, heartbroken, sophisticated Death.)

Were any of these also your favs? What are some favs that I have to read ASAP? And if you did a TTT, do leave a link so I can check out your list too!

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