Inside the WIP [1]: 777 Challenge

So if you have an extraordinarily long memory, you may remember the flash survey we had a while ago. I suggested a new feature to showcase excerpts from my WIP.

Then the ingenious Christina said this on Twitter:
And also the lovely Heather tagged me for the 777 Challenge, to share lines 7-14 from page 7 of my current ms, which, of course, is Matryoshka.

First, I shall share my excerpt:

“We lost that currency [of surprise] at the harbour.” His uncle spoke more quietly than Thomas, but made Aisha turn her eyes to him. “Thomas has a point. And we always wanted Kim’s friendship.”

“Why do we need her friendship?” Thomas asked. “She is legally bound to consider our petition.” 

Aisha shrugged in response, then said to Ramzi, “The chances of her betraying Mallister are too slim. We don’t want to let her see our full strength. I’m certainly not parading Thomas in front of her.”

“Meaning no offence, mother, but I can parade myself. I will not stand aside while you scheme to avenge my father.”

I tag these people for the 777 challenge, mainly for the completely unaltruistic pleasure of reading their stuff:
And now, here are a few quote posters from my favourite lines of Matryoshka so far. (You can find out how to make these quote posters yourself in my guest post on Christina's blog here.)
At one point, Thomas is challenged at the cost of starting a second civil war. This is Thomas' response; you have to admit, he does have a point. Even if it's arrogant and bratty.
Another one by Thomas. Kim criticises his late father, and Thomas of course puts that sharp tongue to use. I'm really rather proud of this poster, because the background is technically marble but it looks a touch like blood capillaries.
Some of you may have seen this on Twitter—it's the last line of the entire manuscript. Kim says this, so naturally it is awesome.
This poster was inspired by Christina's cover over at her design shop. This poster is an experiment and I think it could do with some tweaking, but I picked up a couple of stray GIMP techniques making this one.

And one last not-quite quote poster:
he wanted a fairytale and the stars snatched his father.
I've discovered a new love for blackout poetry. Well, okay, it's not really typical blackout poetry, but it's an amazing feeling to juggle fitting these specific words in but free-write the rest.

If Matryoshka catches your fancy, to be sure to watch this space for Snazzy Snippets on September 10th where I'll share more sneak peeks! And for the chance to read it in full, join my takeout army to receive monthly letters from moi!

Favourite quote and/or poster here? OH, and if I joined Ello and posted these, would you follow me?

Twitter-sized takeout: